Make an
impact today

Support Laguna Beach employees and their families with a one-time, or recurring donation. Thank you for your support!

Only donations over $250 are tax-deductible. Please contact us if you'd like a formal donation receipt.

Why give?

  • K-9 Program

    Supporting those who serve - four legs at a time. K-9s enhance officer safety, assist in search and rescue operations, and play a crucial role in detecting explosives and narcotics. Your support ensures they can continue their vital work.

  • Mounted Patrol Unit

    Help the LBPCF fund the Department’s first-ever Mounted Patrol Unit. Sponsored items are needed to get this program up and running!

  • Baker to Vegas Run

    The Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay is a 120 mile foot race which begins in Baker, CA and ends in Las Vegas, Nevada. The race, which began in 1985, is run by 20 person teams of law enforcement personnel, competing for the title.

  • Scholarship Awards

    Dependents of LBPD employees, uniformed and non-uniformed, may qualify for our annual scholarship awards.

  • Honor Guard Support

    We continue to support the Honor Guard in their mission to represent and honor fallen officers with dignity and respect.

  • Equipment Needs

    Whether it’s improvements to a facility or purchasing gym equipment for the Department’s employees, our focus remains the health and well-being of the officers.

Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy:

The Laguna Beach Police and Community Foundation relies on public support of gift donations.

Our organization has a No Refund or Return Policy for donations or contributions and the sale shall be considered final when made.